- When trying to save board real-estate, do not
necessarily get the smallest part/footprint available. Try to stick
with >=0.5mm pitch (0.3mm pitch is usually specific to cell phone
applications and usually requires separate fabrication line for assembly)
- Check any connectors to make sure orientation is
- For LVDS connectors, try to get connectors that have
+/- side by side rather than vertically matched so you can length match
- Try to keep LVDS and TTL signals on separate layers
- Check for availability and MOQ of parts once you have a system design (BEFORE layout). Make sure that parts are readily available and preferably at a low MOQ.
- Get parts that are easily interchangeable (i.e.
have popular footprints!!). This makes it easy to swap parts later in
the design process when you do not want to rebuild a board!
- Get a board stack-up from the board house,
giving them the impedance controls you need (for differential signals
mainly). Typical values are 100 Ohms for differential and 60-70 Ohms for
single ended traces. They will then provide you with a stack-up that will
tell you board thickness and trace widths and spacing information, all of
which you can input into your constraints before actually starting the
board layout
- Allegro PCB Editor: Help>>Documentation
- YouTube Cadence Tutorial Channel
- Reference Designer Tutorial for Allegro PCB Editor
- In Design Entry CIS, export Netlist: Click on .dsn file
in the File tree tab, then Tools>>Create Netlist
- Allegro PCB: File>>Import>>Netlist (make
sure location is same as where exported from Design Entry CIS)
- Place parts: Manually Place>>Components
by Refdes>>place parts
- Set which classes you want to view by clicking on the
Color192 button, can view active class in the Options menu in General Mode
- Etch: this
is where layers are accessed. For a 4 layer board it would be TOP, GND,
PWR, BOTTOM etch layers
- Board Geometry: under
this class lies the important subclass, Outline, which defines the boarder
of the board
- Package Keepin: class
that includes shapes that define where all packages must be inside or a
DRC error is thrown
- Route Keepin: class
that includes shapes that define where all traces/vias must be inside or a
DRC error is thrown
- Create shape (rectangle, polygon, circle, etc.) on the
desired layer
- Edit>>ZCopy
- In Options panel, select layer to copy to, set offset
(0 for exact copy)
- Click on shape>>Right Click>>Done
- Recommended to start with a previously made board as it
has a good format for manufacturing notes, design rules used before, etc.
- Create a layout folder under your
project folder, create new .brd file here or copy someone else's board
into this directory
- Tip: leave all footprints and padstacks directly in
this folder, clean up into specific .zip files at end of board
development, this will save you a lot of trouble down the road as you
won't have to change/check the Path all the time
- If using an old design, delete all previous board using
the Delete button and selecting the All On button in the Find menu
- Create board outline shape (Class: Package Geometry
Subclass: Outline)
- Create package keepin shape (Class: Package Keepin)
- Create route keepin shape (Class: Route Keepin)
- Import netlist (see above instructions)
- Place parts
- Connect traces, following all design rules
- Tools>>Padstack>>Modify Design Padstack
- Changes or saved padstacks will not show up in current
.brd or .dra file immediately. To update an existing padstack: Modify
Design Padstack>>make your changes on both Instance and Definition
Edit options>>Save As (save in your layout
- Go into Placementedit mode ( RC>>Application
Mode >> Placement Edit)
- Highlight the components/vias/etc you want to align
(make sure you can select the right part in the Find panel)
- RC>>Align Components
- In the options panel, specify orientation and set the
- For a hole (like a fixing/fiducial hole): Place>>Manually>>Drop
down from Components by Refdes to Mechanical Symbols
- If it is not already there, make a new one: File>>New>>Mechanical
- Add Connect>>Right Click>>Multi-Trace Route
- First you must designate signals as differential pair
under Constraint Manager (open up Constraint Manager-CM Button)
- Click on Electrical Tab>>Net>>Total
Etch Length (or any of the categories), then
Objects>>Create...>>Differential Pair>>enter Diff Pair
Name and select pair>>Create
- You can also do auto setup from the Differential Pair
menu: Auto Setup>>(if smart and named diff pair signals with
+ and - in them)>>type '+' in + Filter and '-' in the -
- Now signals will be routed according to the Diff Pair
DRC rules: Adjust those in Constraint Manager (CM)
- Typical Constraints for Diff Pairs:
- Length matched under Total Etch Length within 5 mils
- Min line spacing: 4 mils
- Primary Gap: 4.92 mils
- Neck Width: 4 mils,
- Tolerance +/-: .920
- Whenever you are routing, moving, tuning a diff pair,
you can Right Click>>Single Trace Mode to only
perform actions on one of the traces
- It is a good idea to group signals together for length
matching and easier readability; you do this by adding signals to classes
- In the CM, click on the Net folder>>Any
category>>highlight signals you want to group>>Right
Click>>Create...>>Net Class...>>name the class>>OK
- A CSet is used to set a signal/class to a specific set
of design rules i.e. for differential pairs
- Click the drop down menu on any signal under the
"ReferencedC Set" and select desired C Set
- Typical set names/categories are: DEFAULT, DIFFPAIR,
- Electrical Tab>>Electrical Constraint Set
folder>>Select Desired
CSet...>>then set your constraints for that set
- Set your length constraints in CM (tip: route the trace
that looks like it will be the longest and use that length as your average
between max/min in length constraint, set your min/max based on this
number in CM, route the others, the meter at the bottom will tell you
using green or red whether or not your trace is within the min/max set)
- Use the Delay Tuning button to
lengthen a trace that is shorter than desired length
- Use the Slide button to adjust a trace
to shorten it (take a more direct path or make that trace your reference
trace for the min/max length): avoid using Trombone or Accordion tuning
styles on differential pairs
- Setup>>Change drawing origin
- Click on whatever shape/symbol/etc you are placing
moving, click down in the command line window, place at proper coordinates
for exact placing/sizing using "x y " relative to the
origin (0,0). You can also move relative to one axis using "ix "
or "iy "
- If what you are editing is a shape, you must first
decompose this into lines: Shape>>Decompose Shape, in
the Options menu select layer to copy to as the same layer the shape
currently is and check the Delete shape after decompose box,
it is now made up of lines
- Manufacturing>>Drafting>>Chamfer/Filet, input parameters and click on the two corner lines
you want to chamfer/filet
- Route>>Create Fanout
- Use to automatically route a bunch of fanouts the same
time, especially useful for BGA's
- Can copy fanout once complete: YouTube Tutorial
- Locate the files and copy into layout
directory where board (.brd) is located
- File>>Import>>IPF, select file and before placing it, right
click and use the Scale option to properly size, change
to proper layer
- Pick and place tool needs a reference point, so place
at least 2 of these on the top layer of the board...and
add as mechanical symbol (see above instructions on How to
manually add a PAD/VIA)
- Sometimes it helps to delete all .PAD, .PSM, .BRD, and
.DRA files out of the folder in order to clean up layout folder. Several
times this has fixed my import issues.
- Another common error is missing the padstack from a
.DRA file that was added in (i.e. from someone else's design, etc.). Even
though the padstack is internally attached to the .DRA file, it also needs
to be present locally in your layout folder. To get the padstack, open up
the .DRA file. Click Tools>>Padstack>>Modify design
padstack. For each of the pads in the Options window, click Edit and
in the Padstack Editor click File>>Save As.., saving it
in your layout file. As described in the padstack edit section above, edit
both the Definition and Instance and refresh the padstack. Then save the .DRA
file. You now have all of the proper .DRA, .PSM, and .PAD files for that
- Place>Update Symbols, and check on the desired symbols
- Setup>Cross Section
- For manufacturing you need to provide the following
- Gerbers
- Drill
- Placement
- Stackup
- Any special instructions
- To generate Gerber & NC Drill files from OrCAD (Cadence
Allegro) PCB Editor, Open the native file (.BRD) in OrCAD PCB
- Gerber Files: From the Editors window, go to
Manufacture > Artwork; on the Artwork Control Form, click on the
General Parameters tab to make active and then confirm the following
- Device Type ~ Gerber RS274X
- Film Size Limits ~ 14 x 16
- Leave remaining default settings to keep outputs
consistent. Now, click on the Film Control tab and choose Select all from
the bottom of the Available Films section and then Create Artwork. Choose
OK to close this window. The artwork (Gerber files) should now reside in
the originating folder (where your .brd file is located).
- NC Drill File : From the Editors window, go to
Manufacture > NC > NC Drill. The NC Drill dialog box will open.
Confirm that the root file name is present (board name.drl) and choose 'Auto
Tool Select'. Leave remaining default selections. Click on the Drill
button to generate the NC Drill file. The NC Drill file should now reside
in the originating folder.
- IPC files: Got to File > Export > IPC 356... >
select IPC Version IPC-D-356A > Export
- Placement file: File > Export > Placement >
Leave standard settings > Export
- Also include any special fab instructions
- Click on Add Connect button
- Click on pad/pin/trace to route from and route trace,
then right click >> Done
- Click on Add Connect button again
- Click on same pad/pin/trace to route from before
- In the Options panel, uncheck the
"Replace etch" box
- Rout the second trace
- Go to board stackup: Setup>>Cross Section
- Check "Show Single Impedance" and "Show
Diff Impedance" boxes
- If you have a layer with Diff Pairs on it, select Edge
as Coupling Type
- Set the Impedance for single and differential- Allegro
will then adjust the spacing and trace widths accordingly
- Click "Report" to send to board house, they will adjust it to their equipment etc and provide you with a slightly different stackup
- Pads are usually much larger than the trace widths that
run to/from them. Because of this, they will have an increased
capacitance, lowering the impedance through the pad possibly creating
reflections, degrading the signal (especially at higher speeds). In order
to maintain impedance, cutouts must be made underneath the pads to the
point where the impedance matches that of the trace.
- See David Lieby's notes on cutouts in the reference
sections of Signal Integrity and LVDS for calculations, etc.
are very important and well written.
- Altera Board Design
Guidelines for LVDS Systems
- T.I. Design Notes 2000: LVDS (Older)
- National Semiconductor 2004 LVDS Owner's Manual
- Fairchild Semiconductor 2005 LVDS Fundamentals
- See Signal Integrity section below for more tips
- Create a project folder, within this folder, create a
"Netlist", "Components", and "Library"
- File>>New>>Project
- Under "Location", Browse to the project
folder you just created
- Type in project name and select "Schematic"
radio button, click OK
- In file hierarchy tab (.obj tab), RC on
"Library" folder>>Add File
- RC on your new library, click "Save As" and
save under your "Library" folder you created at the beginning
- As you add parts (mainly IC's), place the datasheets in
the "Components" folder
- RC on your library in .obj tab, click "New
- Type in the name (usually a Manufacturing PN)
- Select part reference prefix: C for capacitors, R for
Resistors, J for headers/connectors, and U for ICs
- Press OK, change shape/look as you like (usually a
rectangle is standard)
- Place pins (get from datasheet), set type to Power for
GND, VCC, etc and select "Pin Visible" as this will allow you to
have several pins with same name i.e. GND, VCC, AGND, AVCC
- Place inputs on left hand side, outputs on right hand
side, group grounds and power
- If there is a DAP or large GND pad, add it as an
additional pin for layout
- Assign footprint to part under part properties (name
needs to match name of .dra file in the same folder as the layout)
- Click on .dsn file in .obj tab so that it is
- Tools>>Create Netlist ...
- Check the Create PCB Editor Netlist
- Specifiy your Netlist Files Directory as the
"Netlist" folder you created at setup (this will be the same
place you will import your netlist in Allegro during layout)
- Click OK
- "I have two Allegro PCB Editor board files. I need
to merge them and make a single board. How can I do this?"
- If the two schematic files are also available, follow
the steps below:
- Assign unique refdes in the schematics and board files
- Merge the two schematics
- Generate the Allegro netlist and read that netlist
into the larger board
- Open the smaller board
- Select File > Export > Sub-drawing
- Check the "Preserve Refdes" button from the
"Options" tab
- Select the whole board and pick an origin point
- Save the subdrawing as file type .clp
- Open the larger board in PCB Editor
- Select File > Import > Sub-drawing to import the
above .clp file and place it on the board
- If only the board files are available, follow the steps
- Open one board and select Tools > Create Module
- Window around the entire board
- Select an origin
- Save the module as file type .mdd.
- Open the second board
- Select Place > Manually
- Select "Module Definition" from the drop
down list in the Placement List tab
- Select the module. If you are selecting the module
from a modulepath, then you need to check in Library from Place >
Manually> Advanced Settings
- Enter any letter in the Module Instance name, say d
- The module gets placed on the board, with refdes named
as d_D1, nets as d_N005, etc. You can rename both the refdes and nets.
- Analyzing your design to ensure proper decoupling
- One such Power Distribution Network analysis tool
available to help calculate the proper number/type of bypass capacitors
for your board design. It is located here
- The tool is well documented (User Guide at same
- Use Hyperlinx to simulate your high speed design after the board is complete
- Signal Integrity
Effects of Vias, Stubs, and Minimizing their Visibility
- Altera: Impact of I/O Settings on Signal Integrity in
Stratix III Devices
- Controlled Impedance Guide
- PCIe High Speed Layout Guide